Co-designing serious games – their use throughout Europe and wider
Serious games are taking off. They are being used in Europe and beyond.
REHABILITY is one such suite of serious games. Co-designed by patients and specialists, it facilitates rehabilitation therapy. Both cognitive and physical therapies can be individually personalised, and take place in the home as well as in clinics or hospitals. The games can be played by people with neurological difficulties who are recovering from a stroke or who have conditions like multiple sclerosis or Parkinson’s disease. A huge benefit is that the application is based on off-the-shelf affordable consumer technology: See also:

Based on proven European Seventh Framework Programme research and piloting, REHABILITY is today the solution of choice in over 20 locations in Italy and Europe and as far afield as Malaysia and Singapore. In 2018 alone, it has won three awards for its innovation and excellence.
Imaginary srl – a small company based in Milan, Italy – is one of vCare’s industrial partners. REHABILITY is one of the components aimed to be brought under the vCare service umbrella.
Imaginary srl reports its innovative practice online at the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIPonAHA) repository: The application shows excellent maturity, impact, and transferability.
The EIP on AHA encourages more announcements like that of REHABILITY. Knowing about these kinds of developments will encourage the scaling-up of rehabilitation solutions for active and healthy ageing throughout Europe!